Category Archives: Perso

Bye Bye Windows Vista, Hiren couldn’t help me.

I spent at least 5 hours this weekend (24 Mars 2013) trying to restore Vista from a bad resume. The software has always been so bad, I had installed Ubuntu on that machine since the beginning. VISTA self-destroyed on my machine. Suicide. On the Acer there is a system restore function. It doesn’t work… So bye bye vista. I’m now giving all the place to Linux on that machine.

In the process of trying to repair I found a great set of tools called Hiren, see If you need to save a broken PC, Hiren could be of a great help.…

Paiement du dépanneur #fb

Si le dépanneur me dit que j’ai pas payé assez vite, je lui dirai que je suis désolé mais j’avais un autre paiement à faire sur l’autoroute et que j’ai payé aussi vite que possible……

Today I’m sending a sanguine email to… me #fb

Sometimes I’m really pissed off and I write a very long mail for the other party. I give facts and figures to show I strongly disagree or I’m hurt by some statement. It’s  a feeler reaction. I know it. That’s why with time I have learned not to push on the send button and save them as draft or send them to myself.

Today is such a day.

I received unfair feedback this morning. I wrote the complete argumentation in an email. Now I know I’m not to blame. So I’m sending that sanguine email to my gmail, in case I really need to put those arguments on the table…

Is it accepting the other point of view ?

No. it’s avoiding to harm the relation even more. It’s trying to find another solution than retaliation. It’s counting points silently before making the final call.…

Des tas de diagrammes #fb

Cette année je ne compte plus le nombre de diagramme d’architecture (ICT) que j’ai dessinés. Il y en a de toutes sortes : des capabilities maps, des governance processes, des data models, des service portfolios, des SOA overview, des diagrammes de contexte “situation actuelle”, “situation désirée”, des diagrammes d’activité, des use cases, des plans d’actions…

Je voudrais les publier, j’essaye de les rendre beaux. Mais, grande frustration, je ne peux pas. Ils appartiennent à mes clients. Ou alors ils contiennent des plans de modules innovatifs que nous ne voudrions pas publier…

D’où mon idée de peindre des versions abstraites de ces diagrammes… Par exemple la Vlaams e-Boek Platform (VEP).


J’aimerais faire un desssin comme celui-là toutes les mois. Mais pour cela il me faudrait plus de temps et plus de projets “publics”.

Entretemps si j’ai le temps je ferai un e-book en Anglais qui explique les différents éléments du tableau.

A suivre en 2013……

Nos pronostics pour l’EURO 2012

Thomas : France, Allemagne, Portugal

Mireille : Italie, Espagne, Allemagne dont deux seront finalistes.

J-F : France, Croatie, Grece…

Goodbye Dimi, my friend

My brother in law Dimitri died yesterday of a cancer.

I have only 1 big problem with Dimitri : he died way to soon, at 37 (29 Jan 1975 – 03 Apr 2012).

Dimitri was a great guy.

Dimi, we will miss you.


I’m a ‘moofer’

I discovered a few months ago that I was a BMW (Bus, Metro, Walk). This morning I see I'm a MOOFER…

A moofer is a "mobile out of office worker"

In french:

"Les "moofers" sont ces nouveaux travailleurs rendus nomades grâce aux nouvelles technologies : ordinateurs portables, tablettes numériques et smartphones."

Link: (via

Peugeot Cycles is coming back

When I was young, having a Peugeot bicycle was the top. Than the distributor (in Dion) closed its doors. There was the Montain Bike boom and Peugeot wasn't there. There was a revival in road bikes. Still no Peugeot.

And now, 20 years later, Peugeot come back. In the mean time I have bought 5 bicycles…
